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The Craven Creek Music Association is grateful for the support of individuals and organisations.  Without this support we would not be able to present these concerts.


Supporters 2015/16



Platinum ($1,000+)


Ross Grant

Tony Ingold

Greg and Jenny Lindsay

Tony Maple-Brown


Gold ($250-$999)


John and Lyn Edwards

Jan and Lesley Goroncy

Frank and Susan Hooke

Airdrie Lloyd

Peter Mason AM

Colin and Johanna Ware

Ron and Marvin West


Silver (Up to $249)


Joyce Buswell

Michael and Marie De Groot

Graeme Healy and Philip Greenwood

Karla Pincott

Bill and Pat Radford

Pippa and Steve Robinson

Geoff Walton and Gaby Klika


Anonymous x 4



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